Two Birds Infant Child Care
Our teachers create a safe and welcoming environment where infants build relationships with each other and teachers and can discover and explore new materials and experiences.
Nurturing Spaces for Infant Development
The first year is a period of incredible social, emotional and physical development. Our infant classrooms are nurturing and safe environments where our teachers lovingly care for each child and curate experiences to support infants in developing the skills they need to grow. This program is infant-led, meaning our teachers focus on individualized attention and schedules to meet each child’s needs.
A day in the life of an Infant at Two Birds
Because we align to individual children’s schedules in the infant program, teachers explore activities with students throughout the day moving between individual, small group, and class experiences.

Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting is incorporated into all of our classrooms and programs to promote social development amongst peers as well as to introduce new topics of study. Although the infant program follows children’s individualized schedules over the course of the day, the teaching team does still regularly kick off the day with an opportunity for the majority of the class to come together for group reading, singing, and to begin to build the fundamentals of class wide group engagement.

Reading aloud and exploring books are a large part of our infant program. Teachers support language development and introduce various concepts and topics through teacher led reading time. Similarly, infants are given opportunities to explore books on their own through all their senses to foster a love for language.

Sensory Play
Sensory play is the introduction of open ended materials that stimulate children’s senses as well as provide opportunities to develop fine motor skills. Sensory play may include a range of materials like fabric, ribbons or bubble wrap to highlight texture, or materials that promote the arts and cause and effect such as painting.

Studio Time
Studio time promotes learning, exploring and expressing oneself through materials. Our studio teacher works with the infants on a variety of projects to develop their art portfolio and to advance developmental milestones. These projects often include both traditional and non traditional materials, such as light and shadow, projections, clay or paint.

Music provides an opportunity for our infants to connect and communicate with one another in the classroom. It inspires physical movement as well as language development while working together socially as a group.

"When we think about what we're thankful for in this extremely challenging year, his friends and teachers at Two Birds are at the top of the list. I send his Brightwheel photos to my family and friends every day and I always get comments on how happy he looks there and how much fun it looks like he's having. We ended up here by happenstance but we wouldn't change it for anything."
- Megan S.
Our Classroom - Infants
At Two Birds, our classroom environments are created by the work and personalities of the people within it. Together, our teachers and students create a safe, welcoming space to develop and grow. Infant classrooms are shoe-less (or indoor shoe only) environments and infant furniture is selected to safely encourage exploration. All classrooms are cleaned nightly by a cleaning crew as well as daily sanitation of materials by teachers.
Nursing Room
For our nursing mothers, we offer a private lounge to nurse your infant throughout the day. If you opt to nurse while your child is with us, our teachers will message you via our app when your child is ready to eat so you can nurse in place of a bottle feeding.

Birth through 5 is a period of rapidly developing expression and awareness of emotions, both self and others. We support children’s exploration of emotions through positive reinforcement of feelings both big and small. As teachers work with children, they also narrate or discuss out loud the expression of those emotions to help infants begin to integrate language, feelings and expression.
Two Birds is a play based program. Through the eyes of children, the day is full of play. Through our eyes, we are curating the environment and the experiences to ensure we are layering learning, developmental skills, and exploration into all aspects of that play, whether that is teacher or child led.
There are opportunities to integrate science into a multitude of experiences and to teach children that exploring science is a part of understanding the world around them. Why do leaves fall? How did red and yellow paint become orange? In our infant program, we present the experience to observe changing environments, to create those changes, to feel different materials, as a precursor to asking and answering those questions.
Teaching teams promote language development through both the spoken and printed word. In addition to continuously talking with children, teachers encourage children to interact with print. Infants are often interested in the images, the feel of the book and how the pages work. Over time, they begin to make connections between the pictures and print. Pointing to pictures and naming them is an important development in understanding the concept of print: pictures are symbols and those symbols have meaning that represent ideas.
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Ready to enroll your little one at Two Birds and enjoy Reggio-Emilia inspired curriculum, family classes, and a professional workspace? Find your nearest Two Birds location!